Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011


The scope of landscape architecture, among others, actively participate in various projects from large scale to small scale. As an example of a large scale is the footprint area of ​​industrial design, regional design studies, pernacangan recreation area. And small-scale environments such as parks, gardens and parks home office.
The scope of thought and activity responsibilities are landscape architecture study covers issues such as regional planning, conservation, preservation and conservation of the dynamic; pemcemaran problems, impaired sight, noise and litter; problems of erosion, ecology, natural resource problems; problems pegembangan historic places; issue of open space; masalagh growing urban development; traffic problems and linear development; problems of land reclamation, coastal issues and coastal livelihoods; problem of forest and wildlife is reduced and the problem of population.
landscape architects are three types of activity, namely:
1. Assessment and planning of forest area
Having a base of natural science and ecology to systematically evaluate a wide array of land suitability or land capability untul every possible futures.
Involves a group of experts, the results are land use plans, policies crate path setting, appointment of industrial sites, water conservation values.
2. The design footprint
The process of analysis, synthesis and footprint requirements for site usability. Landscape elements and facilities placed at the site in accordance with its function.
3. The design details of the landscape
Selection and correct use of business components / elements of the landscape.

A good architect should have:
a. Basic knowledge and practical know how to use plants as well as appropriate
b. Basic knowledge of geology, ecology, climatology, economics of cultural sociology.
c. General knowledge of architecture, civil engineering, urban planning and local governance
d. Biological and ecological awareness
e. Trained both in drawing plans
f. Able to give guidance planning of infrastructure and facilities
g. High scientific reasoning power, character and social spirit.

Profession of landscape architecture as a natural control for the future of human life. Organizations world-class landscape architecture profession is IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects). A professional organization that collects the landscape of professional organizations from around the world based in Versailles, France. Initially, the Institute of Landscape Architechts founded by Sir Geoffrey Alan Jellicoe in Cambridge.
To Asociation Asia-named AFELA (Asian Forum of Educators in Landscape Architechture. The goal was established as a forum for the exchange of things that erhubungan with academic, researchers and students of landscape architecture in Asia. Activities include an international symposium every year, the exchange program faculty / researchers and students and publications.
In Indonesia called IALI (Indonesia Institute of Landscape Architecture) as a forum to develop and strengthen the brotherhood of science fellow members. Formed in 1978, spearheaded by Ir. Rachman and Dr. Zain. Sumarno Sostroaatmodjo. The goal is to foster and develop the establishment of science and the art and landscape architecture prpfesi Indonesia, formed a means to strengthen cooperation between the public landscape architecture in Indonesia, entered into a collaboration with institutions and agencies and non governmental pemeerintah, inside and outside the country for the benefit of the development of landscape architecture profession. IALI has become anggotan IFLA

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