Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

Nutrient cycle

Nutrient availability to plants is one of the basic needs of plants to grow and produce well. Nutrient (nutrients) plants sourced from the air, water and plant growth media (soil). In general, nutrients are utilized by plants mainly sourced from the land as the main plant growing medium. Nutrient contained in the soil mainly derived from bedrock weathering and decomposition of residual material from tanama orgaik and animals.
Nutrient that is picked up by subsequent crops through a variety of physiological processes is converted into organic compounds making up the plant body or stored as reserves asimilat pasa roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruit. When the plant tissue has undergone a process of aging, will jtuh to the ground and will begin to experience degradation and together with other organic materials decompose in the soil with the help of rain water and soil microorganisms. The results of the decomposition will decompose leih pertahap far and will in the transformation into the form of nutrients available for plants to then be in a hoarse again by plants

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