Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

annual crops- an intoduction of Report laboratory

Food is a primary need for humans. With the ever increasing number of people it is certain that the need for food will increase, in other words an increase in consumption. However, there peningakatan in terms of consumption in Indonesia sometimes can not be offset by an increase in production. Indonesia has sufficient resources to ensure food security for its residents. Indicators of food security also described a fairly good condition. However, Indonesia is still a lot of people who have not received sufficient food needs. The ability of agriculture to meet food needs of our own, have been and are declining relative to the very large. At this time Indonesia was in a state of "Prone to Food" is not the absence of food, but as food for the people of Indonesia has been dependent on foreign supply, and greater dependence. Huge food market we have targeted by foreign food producers who do not want Indonesia to have independence in the field of food. Indonesia in general do not have the problem of food availability. Indonesia produces about 31 million tons of rice each year and consume a little above the level of production; where imports are generally less than 7% of consumption. Further private distribution network that runs efficiently helped strengthen food security across Indonesia. 
Food availability at the regional level does not guarantee the area will not occur the problem of malnutrition. South Sulawesi (Sul-Sel) is widely recognized as a national barns proved to have a incidence of malnutrition is high. Nutrition Consumption Survey showed that from 1995 to 1998 an increase in the percentage of families in South Sulawesi deficits in energy consumption from 39% to 57%. In fact, at the same time the production of rice, the main source of calories in this area, having a surplus of 1.4 million to 1.5 million. The average consumption of rice from South Sulawesi reached 880 thousand tons per year, while consumption per capita of the population each year as many as 110 pounds. Compared with neighboring residents, there are significant differences. 
Indonesia's dependence on rice is high, making the national food security is very fragile. From the macro aspect of development policy, these conditions contain the risk (vulnerable), which is also related to economic stability, social, and political. One of the development of food policy in achieving food security is through diversification of food, which is intended to provide an alternative food, thereby reducing the dependence on rice. Diversification of food, is also expected to improve the quality of people's food consumption, food consumption because the more diverse the supply of nutrients is more complete than if it is dominated by one type of material only. Through the development of diversity of agricultural cultivation (horizontal diversification) will produce a variety of food staples such as cassava, sweet potatoes, corn, arrowroot, breadfruit, sago, uwi, ganyong and so on. While the development of various processed food products will be produced instant products such as flour, cakes, breakfast cereals, biscuits, cakes, etc. (vertical diversification).
 Consumption of sorghum on the people of Indonesia mostly for animal feed, sorghum when it actually has a lot of species are Sorghum bicolor and Sorghum vulgare which is a type of sorghum is a very decent human being eaten. Sorghum is known as "brother" wheat or corn, grain crops (Cereal) are rich in calories, so be considered as one kind of food staple rice substitution, in addition to maize, cassava, or sago. The results of sorghum research in Indonesia, he explained again, have high productivity with an average of 7-9 tonnes per ha, higher than in rice, wheat and corn. Even the productivity of sorghum can reach 11 tonnes per ha if soil moisture is not a barrier. Sorghum in addition to forms and tastes like rice, are also highly nutritious. If seen from the table IZI MOH Directorate higher nutritional content than other staple foods like rice, flour (wheat-red), maize and cassava. 
In Indonesia there are currently some sorghum varieties developed. Total there are 9 varieties of sorghum seed varieties used as Indonesia, namely: UPCA, Kris, Mandau, Higari, the dagger, Gadam, bayonet, and Kawali Numbu. Some areas have become centers of sorghum production in Indonesia. 
Along with the diversification of food, demand for wheat flour up to now show a significant development. That, characterized by the development of food processing industry raw materials like wheat flour or wet noodles, biscuits, bakery, including small and medium-scale industries, and other categories of households. Currently, Indonesia has succeeded in producing the wheat, although the volume is still very small compared with the wheat flour industry needs, according to data from the Association of Flour Producers (APTINDO), in 2000 reached 250,191 tons. Although the consumption of wheat flour per capita per year (2000) community 
Indonesia only reached 15 kg or still smaller than Singapore and Malaysia 71 kg 40 kg, on the future level of consumption is believed to be able to rise even higher. Therefore, the opportunity is wide open wheat crop cultivation, not only in Java, but also in other areas. Moreover, the results of processing wheat bran into flour can be used to feed livestock, so it will add to earnings. 
The major wheat producing countries in the world is the United States, Canada, Australia, the European Union and India. Lamongan District is the largest producer of wheat which is about 832 tons with a total area of ​​240 hectares and the development of productivity reached around 34.66 quintal per hectare. Followed by as much as 462 tons Sampang district with area development of 100 hectares and 48.13 quintal per hectare productivity. Furthermore Sumenep in third place with 346 tonnes from 150 hectares of land area with a productivity of about 24 quintal per hectare. According to data from the Association of Flour Producers (APTINDO), in 2000 reached 250,191 tons. Not long ago, in Pasuruan, East Java, successfully harvested wheat on 56 acres of land with a productivity level of 2.5 tons / ha to 3.5 tonnes / ha. 
Consumption of sesame rich countries generally, otherwise manufacturers generally poor state. For Indonesia the ownership of land by small farmers cultivating sesame will be competitive, especially when considering wijenmerupakan plants that can adapt to dry conditions. Since 1988, Indonesia imported sesame with increasing volume in 2001 reached 4383.102 tons of sesame seed equivalent. In early 2003, Korea requested from Indonesia 50,000 tonnes per year, teapi not be realized. World demand is quite high, average imports increased 5% perproduksi. Five countries of the world's largest consuming sesame are Japan, EU, Korea, the United States, and Egypt are generally rich countries. Instead, sesame producers generally classified as poor countries with small land holdings. Korea is the country's third-largest of the world sesame consuming. Average consumption in Japan by 1kg/kapita/tahun sesame, being new 60gr/kapita/tahun Indonesia. 
Barley is a minor economic plants, including nutrient content but has a value that is similar to other food crops such as rice, corn, wheat, and grain crops because crop barley itself is classified into the types of grain crops. Communities are not familiar with barley as a source of food so as long barley crop is only used as bird feed.Communities in several countries are used to make cereal for their breakfast menu. Likewise, the people of Indonesia. In addition to bread and rice, cereals have become an alternative menu, especially for the children, to be consumed as an energy source in initiating daily activity. In general, wheat-based cereals and processed in the form of flakes. However, there is also a cereal that is processed into the form of milk and cereal with milk is called. With the goal of diversification of food, including cereal food that gets a touch of innovation, especially in terms of raw material usage. If the usual cereal grain-based, is now being developed cereal prepared from sorghum. Development of sorghum cereals using basic materials was carried out by Sutrisno Koswara, a lecturer in the Department of Food Science and Technology, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). The total area of ​​applying the proper cultivation of cereal crops and sustained increase of 10% per year and productivity levels in the area of ​​applying the proper cultivation of cereal crops and sustained increased 5% per year

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