Green Open Space (RTH) is part of the urban open spaces (open spaces) an urban area that is filled with plants, plants, and vegetation (endemic, introduction) to support the direct benefits and / or indirectly generated by the open green space in cities namely the safety, comfort, prosperity, and beauty of the urban areas.
Development is often mirrored by the physical development of the city that Iebih determined by the existing infrastructure. Symptoms of development especially in urban areas during the Ialu have a tendency to minimize the green open spaces. .
Existing development in Makassar
In recent years, the buildings like mushrooms fill the sides of the road in Makassar. In fact, almost on every side of the city's main streets, the area houses have sprung up shop (commercial). No one, indeed, if many people who said that Makassar is now turned into a "city of a million commercial". Almost no more empty space that could be a regional Green Open Space (RTH). For example, in the vicinity and surrounding Pettarani Road which currently no longer have a garden. Some places that used to be fasum, are now turned into a commercial. The lack of green space in Makassar, then blamed major cause of air temperature continues so unfriendly.
Physical development in the city of Makassar rapidly. Not just in the heart of the city, but has spread to the suburbs. The problem, with many build it it will automatically remove the green open space (RTH) as a water catchment area. Very memiriskan when the Japanese JICA study team on spatial Metropolitan Makassar, revealed that only three percent green space area. In fact, according to the rules should every district / municipality must have a minimum of 30 percent green space. It is already clearly stated in Law No. 26 of 2007 on spatial planning rather on Article 17. In this Act stated in the plan of urban spatial structure, defined area of green open space should be 30 percent of the city.
Green Open Space (RTH) in Makassar
While the vast city of Makassar 175.77 square kilometers and is divided into 14 districts, only three percent green space. Ironically, some of the area that used to be a green space and a public facilities and social amenities has now become a residential area. Even if there's only remaining green space on the campus of the University of Hasanuddin (Unhas), Office of the Governor of South Sulawesi, Golf Karebosi, and city parks. Now, it takes flair from Makassar City Government to properly manage the potential to be a green space area such as Lake District Balangtonjong Antang Manggala, Hertasning Field, and Field Tamalanrea Permai Earth. Conditions that make Makassar still require 5000 hectares of green space to ensure the safety and quality of life better.
The lack of green space is clearly a separate issue facing the Makassar City Government. Especially with the threat of global warming or the term is called global warming, which could be "drown" the city is due to very less water catchment areas. Not just governments, community care and the business community, especially the developers or housing developers are also urgently needed. At least in preparing a little green space for the safety of this city.
Makassar environmental conditions in recent years
Each year the city of Makassar has always been a subscription flooding. Both jaminanmakan clean air can not be guaranteed to be 100% again because so many polluting vehicles and some industries are located in the city of Makassar as PT. Barawaja and Sermani. If the city government wanted to see the city of Makassar is more equitable to the environment and society, simply by my friends at Walhi, the first the government must run with a firm mandate legislation, the first law mandating Spatial 30% of Green Open Space (RTH ) of the total area of Makassar. The second related problem EIA really enforced and not just be purely formal terms, at least no decisive action when employers do pelannggaran industry.
If the government does not make environmental improvements such as increasing green space are also water catchment areas, plus the influence of global climate began not balanced, there will be ecological disasters such as floods and reduced availability of clean water to citizens of the city become a real threatDevelopment policy of Makassar who want to grow into a modern world city
Conversion of water catchment area of a lot going for building housing and shophouses. Both the fulfillment of RTH are still very far from the mandate of the Act which should be 30% of the total area of the city. Finally, the government never announced to the public knowledgeable about the area that includes green space anywhere in the city of Makassar, so when there is over the function in there it will bring resistance from the public.
Regarding the Green Open Space, Area RTH required in Makassar
Makassar city needs at least five thousand acres of green open space of the total area of 175 km2 city or 30% of the total area of the city, in accordance with the mandate of Law no. 26 of 2007 on Spatial City. If seen the conditions now are not enough green spaces to 10%, much less when referring to the rule of law. This is exacerbated by the transfer functions of some green space such as Field Karebosi which has been renovated and built shopping centers in it, thereby reducing the power of absorbing water into the soil significantly. Karebosi also played a vital role to neutralize the intrusion of sea water given its position that only a few hundred yards from the beach town of Makassar.
Every time the rainy season, some point in the city of Makassar frequent floods,This is because the catchments are increasingly reduced and drainage systems are not well organized, such as mampetnya and lack of sewer, and garbage piled in particular areas of coastal districts in the city. In this case the traffic is headed to the sea water became blocked by trash, this does not only lead to flooding, but also cause adverse effects such as various types of diseases and air pollution in the form of a bad odor.Peat swamp that serves as a water catchment area in this city have been converted to residential lots and various other designation,
There is no clear identification and determination of the city government of RTH in this watershed so that enforcement of the rule of law becomes very weak. Keep in city government would also issue rules or regulations are clear, so that if the conversion occurs unilaterally then there are legal rules that could ensnare the culprit.
In addition to absorbing water, peat bogs also serves to absorb heat when dry season comes to keeping the air temperature in order to stay comfortable, but it also caused by a reduction in green space such as city parks, city forests, greenbelt complex even if the grave can be categorized as green open space is well laid out
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Selasa, 27 Desember 2011
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