Development of the fruit and seeds started after pollination occurs. If pollination does not occur, then the interest will get old and die. Apomistik in plants, pollination stimulus alone is sufficient to initiate embryo development and alleged that the pollen has been providing substance or hormone which stimulates growth of embryonic development. Auxin spraying on the flowers are not pollinated partenokarpi will produce fruit (without seeds). In some plants, particularly seeds of many species (stony fruit), gibberellic acid acts as a substitute for auxin. In these species is known that pollen produces gibberellins and not auxin.
a. Fruit and seed development ofEarly stage in the development of fruits and seeds is rapid cleavage without much enlargement. The main factor because of the involvement of many cytokines are produced by a triploid or pentaploid endosperm are growing at this stage. Various tissues of the parent plant, such as the ovaries, the basic interest and sometimes of the flower tube may be involved in the formation of fruit. After the stage of cell division, the next growth phase is mainly carried out with cell enlargement. From several studies suggested that this is caused by auskin produced in the seeds. If the seeds are removed from the developing fruit, fruit development is discontinued, but the development can be continued if given auxin. J.P. Nitch, a French physiologist, showed that the strawberries and cucumbers, its development depends on auxin coming from ovulus. Some of the fruits provide a response to administration than to auxin gibberellin.
b. Fruit ripeningFruit ripening process involving many chemical and physiological changes are complex, involving taste, size, color, texture, and aroma. In the process of fruit ripening can occur conversion of starch into sugar and acid-free, increasing pectinase which will soften and damage the cell wall, increasing variety of pigments such as anthocyanins, as well as loss of pigment khlorofil. Stout or stimulated changes caused by ethylene produced by the fruit itself.Production of ethylene by the fruit has been found at the time of storage. Ethylene produced by each fruit, have a cumulative effect and stimulate other fruits to mature faster and will inadvertently produce more ethylene. Ripening process in fruit storage in bulk, would result in the autokatalik cause the fruit will get enough water and were given good conditions for germination, seeds still will not germinate. Dormancy can be caused by the formation of chemical compounds inhibiting the grain surface, the lack of stimulating substances that are important or caused by a hard seed coat so that water and oxygen can not enter. This dormancy can be lost in various ways such as by freezing, extending the cooling period, extending the exposure to the cold state, providing high humidity in the presence of oxygen, perform intensive heating (burnt), through the gut of birds or mammals, mechanical (broken) or left covered with mold. If the conditions necessary to eliminate dormancy is running, the embryo will begin to make gibberellin and cytokinin are required to outperform the effect of inhibiting the growth of employment (growth inhibitor), so pertumbuhanpun can begin. If paad when the water is given, then bijipun will germinate.
c. Germination conditions LngkunganThe first factor is required for germination are water, oxygen, temperature, and light. Water is the most important factor, because the seeds are in a dehydrated state. Seeds normally contain water approximately 5-20% of total weight and must absorb some water before germination begins. The early stages of germination is water uptake quickly called imbibisi. There are indications that up to a certain critical moisture content (different for different seeds and species) growth will not occur If the water are removed before the water reaches a crisis point
achieved, the beans will not be damaged, but if the limit point is passed and the metabolism has begun, the seeds were germinated when dried it will die back.Oxygen is essential for germination. Metabolism at an early stage of germination may be carried out anaerobically, but will quickly be converted into aerobic after the seed coat bursts and oxygen diffuses into the
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