Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012

Fruit and seed formation

Development of the fruit and seeds started after pollination occurs. If pollination does not occur, then the interest will get old and die. Apomistik in plants, pollination stimulus alone is sufficient to initiate embryo development and alleged that the pollen has been providing substance or hormone which stimulates growth of embryonic development. Auxin spraying on the flowers are not pollinated partenokarpi will produce fruit (without seeds). In some plants, particularly seeds of many species (stony fruit), gibberellic acid acts as a substitute for auxin. In these species is known that pollen produces gibberellins and not auxin.
a. Fruit and seed development ofEarly stage in the development of fruits and seeds is rapid cleavage without much enlargement. The main factor because of the involvement of many cytokines are produced by a triploid or pentaploid endosperm are growing at this stage. Various tissues of the parent plant, such as the ovaries, the basic interest and sometimes of the flower tube may be involved in the formation of fruit. After the stage of cell division, the next growth phase is mainly carried out with cell enlargement. From several studies suggested that this is caused by auskin produced in the seeds. If the seeds are removed from the developing fruit, fruit development is discontinued, but the development can be continued if given auxin. J.P. Nitch, a French physiologist, showed that the strawberries and cucumbers, its development depends on auxin coming from ovulus. Some of the fruits provide a response to administration than to auxin gibberellin.
b. Fruit ripeningFruit ripening process involving many chemical and physiological changes are complex, involving taste, size, color, texture, and aroma. In the process of fruit ripening can occur conversion of starch into sugar and acid-free, increasing pectinase which will soften and damage the cell wall, increasing variety of pigments such as anthocyanins, as well as loss of pigment khlorofil. Stout or stimulated changes caused by ethylene produced by the fruit itself.Production of ethylene by the fruit has been found at the time of storage. Ethylene produced by each fruit, have a cumulative effect and stimulate other fruits to mature faster and will inadvertently produce more ethylene. Ripening process in fruit storage in bulk, would result in the autokatalik cause the fruit will get enough water and were given good conditions for germination, seeds still will not germinate. Dormancy can be caused by the formation of chemical compounds inhibiting the grain surface, the lack of stimulating substances that are important or caused by a hard seed coat so that water and oxygen can not enter. This dormancy can be lost in various ways such as by freezing, extending the cooling period, extending the exposure to the cold state, providing high humidity in the presence of oxygen, perform intensive heating (burnt), through the gut of birds or mammals, mechanical (broken) or left covered with mold. If the conditions necessary to eliminate dormancy is running, the embryo will begin to make gibberellin and cytokinin are required to outperform the effect of inhibiting the growth of employment (growth inhibitor), so pertumbuhanpun can begin. If paad when the water is given, then bijipun will germinate.
c. Germination conditions LngkunganThe first factor is required for germination are water, oxygen, temperature, and light. Water is the most important factor, because the seeds are in a dehydrated state. Seeds normally contain water approximately 5-20% of total weight and must absorb some water before germination begins. The early stages of germination is water uptake quickly called imbibisi. There are indications that up to a certain critical moisture content (different for different seeds and species) growth will not occur If the water are removed before the water reaches a crisis point
achieved, the beans will not be damaged, but if the limit point is passed and the metabolism has begun, the seeds were germinated when dried it will die back.Oxygen is essential for germination. Metabolism at an early stage of germination may be carried out anaerobically, but will quickly be converted into aerobic after the seed coat bursts and oxygen diffuses into the

Development of the embryo

a. GrowThe zygote is the first cell of the generation of sporophytes that have maximum potential for growth, because he was able to grow into a whole new organism. After one division, each daughter cell will decrease the tendency morfogenetiknya, because each daughter cell can only produce a limited part of the organism and has led to the formation of a specific morphology. However, where the two daughter cells were separated, each cell will regain its capacity to grow into an organism. The reduced capacity of the two daughter cells derived from the zygote is caused by each daughter cell now inseparable, but under the influence of other cells are closely associated with him by ties of protoplasm (plasmodesmata).With increasing complexity of organisms, related to the growth capacity of each cell will be reduced in line with the influence of all cells and tissues surrounding them.

b. Embryo growthNot long after forming, the zygote begins to grow rapidly and develop into an embryo, which in turn will rest until the seeds germinate. Development of embryo and endosperm growth preceded the endosperm is a network that will feed the embryo during its growth. Embryo growth patterns differ from one plant to another plant, but the explanation in general will greatly help us. The beginning of zygote cell division would produce two cells, one of them will develop into an embryo and the other will be the suspensor. Suspensor regulate attachment and orientation of the embryo and endosperm pushed into the future that will give him food. Embryonic development through the stages globuiar, heart, and torpedo, so to speak because of his show these forms. Two indentations on the heart phase will develop into cotyledon and cotyledon stage embryos have developed radicle (root meristem) and meristem "shoot" (shoot shoot). With the growth of the embryo, the endosperm be digested because it is used to feed the embryo. This process continues until no remaining endosperm and all the remaining material was transferred to the cotyledons as well as beans. Other alternatives such as corn, endosperm remains in the seed until germination occurs.
c. Growth of In-Vitro EmbryoIn 1930, P. White, an American physiologist has succeeded in developing a medium for culturing embryos to the size of the initial stages of corn (heart stage) out of its mother. Recently known that the endosperm is the most likely source of nutrients for embryo growth and the addition of coconut milk into a medium of embryos has been possible it is still at an early stage of development were cultured and successful. Problems arising from the use of coconut milk in a medium is a composition of coconut water is very complex and largely unknown. Coconut water is rich in nitrogen, sugar, various growth substances and hormones as well as many other compounds senyaw with a variety of physiological activities.

d. Developments in Cell Culture and Tissue CultureIn 1950, Steward laboratories obtain rapid advances in tissue and cell culturing business of some crops, especially carrots, using a basal medium plus coconut milk White. Then by way of transferring it to the appropriate medium, either solid or liquid, such cells are normally grown produce embryos, form the root and shoot and eventually became a full grown plants and flowers. Clearly banya cells derived from various sources on the plant, if treated well and given the opportunity and right, can transform itself from the limitations of the environmental properties of its parent to zygote is unique and can carry out embryogenesis or the like, producing a crop intact. The cells are derived from plant partsmature and undifferentiated (stem, roots, etc.), the response is very limited and requires special treatment. Capacity owned by the zygote will still exist in the cell and will not be lost as a result of cleavage.In the development of an organism, morphogenetic tendency of the cells will be closed and will reopen when the cells become free from karingan and cultured in appropriate medium, need attention in an effort to induce and maintain cell growth on a regular basis.

e. Totipotensi plant cellsSomatic cells from different parts of the plant, if given a good and proper condition, can develop into a whole new plant. It is called totipotensi, because they have full potential to grow, which is owned by the zygote. Although not all plant cells can perform pemudaan return (rejuvination) in this way, because some of them have been pegged to a pattern of events can not be returned (irreversible), due to the deposition of cell wall materials are solid and insoluble. Nevertheless all plant tissues contain totipotent cells.The above is a manifestation that shows that every living plant cells, in which carry the complete genetic information is essential to produce a plant. Loss of ability in the process of development is not due to loss of information from these cells, but reduced ability to utilize information. So each cell actually has a full capacity or potential to grow morfogentik as owned by the zygote, but in the process of development of the capacity for growth must be controlled for the sake of order and harmony.Totipotensi properties of plant cells, especially in the cells of meristematic tissue is developing into a wider field of research in in-vitro are very popular today with somatic embryogenesis pembakan. Somatic embryogenesis is diffrerensiasi haploid cells or diploid development to become a whole plant. In the cells that are still absolutes almost all groups of cells can be combined to form a new subuah meristem tissue that can differentiate menbentuk a whole new plant. At a more mature plant tissues, only the epidermal cells that can develop menadi embryo (Salisburry & Ross, 1992). Further said that in the mature plant tissues, embryos genenesis can only happen through the callus. Opportunities embrygenesis of somatic cells of reproductive tissues sepersi flower bud, ovule, anthers much higher than the cotyledons with callus from stem cells, buds or leaf buds.

Sexual Reproduction in Higher Plants-Garnet formation

Reproductive process begins with the formation and development of male gametes and female gametes. Below will not talk about how male and female gametes formed in the flowers, but keep in mind that the male gamete produced in anthera (juice boxes), while female gametes produced in the ovaries. Many plants form a good anthera and carpels together on every flower meristem, resulting in a flower called a perfect flower or flowers hermaphrodite or bisexual flowers. Some plants produce two types of flowers are flowers that produce only anthera only (staminat flowers) or only carpels alone (pistilat interest). Plants monoecious (monocious) produces two types of flowers on one tree, while the marriage of two plants (dicious) only produced one flower jensi on one tree. 

The fact that the stamens are always developing earlier than the middle of the meristem than the carpels, presumably due to differences in levels of growth regulators or hormones derived from or directed to the center of the meristem, it is very important in controlling sex expression in flowers. Provision of natural and synthetic auxins sprayed on plants monocious, has increased the proportion of female flowers. Auxin has led to the development of female flowers although primordianya genetically prepared for the male flowers, while gibberellins give the opposite effect. Once development of the ovary has begun, then the development will be inhibited stamennya. Homeless on two plants, sex change is possible. If the flowers are produced male gametes and female gametes, the pollination or pollination can occur which subsequently result of fusion of male and female gamete gametes would produce zygotes.
 In some plants even though there is pollination, but fertilization can not occur. Reduction division in plants is not the case megaspore mother cell and meiosis and embryos develop without fertilization. This is an example apomiksis, namely reproduction without going through the merger of gametes.


The pattern of growth throughout the life cycle of plants is characterized by a growth function that is called the Sigmoid curve-shaped growth curve of S. Quantitative study of the growth that has been accepted in general is dry weight, both of whole plants, or parts thereof. Dynamics and growth analysis mainly aims to measure the ability of plants as producers fotosintat (assimilat) expressed by dry weight. It is based on the fact that 90% of the dry plants derived from the photosynthesis. Basic concepts and physiological implications of the growth analysis is relatively simple and has been used extensively. 
Leaf is the main organ of photosynthesis which in turn will develop biomass (dry weight) of plants. Thus, the growth in the analysis only two variables was observed that dry weight and leaf area measured at certain intervals. Observation time interval is usually 2-3 days for fewer number of plants or 1-2 weeks for more number of plants. 
Measurement of leaf area can be done in various ways including:• the use of linear analysis of leaf area regeresi = a + b (pxl), use formula leaves; leaf area = leaf length (p) x width of the leaf (l) x constant (c).• The use of leaf projection method with the formula: leaf area = A / B x Z, where a = b = slope, p = leaf length, leaf width l =, c = constant, A = weight of leaf projection, B = weight of standard paper , and Z = area of ​​standard paper.• The use of millimeter paper, leaves in the picture on graph paper so that the leaf area can be calculated by summing all the boxes of milliliters in the projected image of leaves.• Area meter: all dirompes leaves, placed on the conveyor belt of the area meter - wide can be read• Use of electrical equipment such as leaf area meter, photoelectric, Canopy analyzer and so on, can be read directly on the leaf area. 
Plant physiologists in general to analyze the growth of a plant community because it shows the overall results of the plant, both the economic and biological results. Aanalisis plant growth usually aims to determine and explain the variation seen in the crop caused by genetic variables and environmental variables that affect plant growth. Data of observations of variable-variable observations can be used as a reference in designing the system settings that will improve crop plants photosynthesize.

Growth analysis components that many do is: (1) plant leaf area index (LAI), leaf area ratio (NLD), relative leaf growth rate (LPDR), leaf mass area (MSD), specific leaf weight (BDS) , Lajua net assimilation (LAN), rate of planting tumbub (LTP), and rate the relative tumbub (LTR).

Crop Growth Rate (LTP = LGR) and Relative Growth Rate
The growth rate of plant dry weight is expressed in the whole plant (g / plant / day). The more common measurement is the rate of crop growth is the growth rate of crop dry weight per unit area of ​​land within one unit of time is expressed in g. m-2.hari-1. In the mathematical calculation is expressed as dw / dt. Classical approach is to calculate the growth rate of an average crop for the time period between two successive sampling times. 
A concept analysis of pertumbuha for the initial phase of growth is the relative growth rate (LTR) is the dry weight increase per unit dry weight that has been assimilated into the plant, mathematically: LTR = 1 / w. dw / dt 
Leaf Area Index and Leaf Rate Unit 
Watson (1947) apply a concept of leaf area as a measure of the ability to crop cultivation in the determination of Leaf Area Index (LAI). ILD is the green leaf area (not age) per unit area of ​​land.At the individual plant, leaf area index is the ration between the leaves with a broad leaf stands or projection. Unit leaf rate is defined as an increase in plant dry weight per unit time per unit area of ​​leaf. Unit leaf rate are often called net assimilation rate (LAN) or Net assimilation rate (LAB). LAN can be viewed as a measure of the efficiency of each unit area of ​​leaf photosynthesis to increase the plant dry weight. LAN can be expressed mathematically by the formula = 1/ld LAN. dw / dt. LAN on average during the sampling period. 
If the LAN is the average size of net CO2 exchange rate union in the plant canopy leaf area, then multiplying the LAN with ILD be obtained LTP. So that LTP = LAN x ILD.LAN highest value when the plants are still small and most of the leaves are exposed to direct sunlight. LAN is likely to decline at the time of leaf area increment, and is unable to perform photosynthesis is optimal. Thus there will be a time when LTP no longer responsive to an increase in ILD. LAI reached a maximum at the time of LTP called Optimum ILD. Further increase in leaf area resulted in an increase in ILD, the leaves will overlap with each other than from the LAN to decline. LAN such impairment will result in decreased growth rate. ILD during LTP or LTR called ILD Criticism began to decline. 
Leaf area ratio (NLD) 
Net assimilation rate as a parameter analysis of the growth can be attributed to the relative growth rate over the leaf area ratio (NLD). NLD is a specific leaf area to form the whole plant and leaf area and is calculated based on total plant dry weight. The relationship between the LTP with the LTR LAN through the NLD mathematically is:LTR = LAN x NLD 
Analysis of Growth, CO2 Fixation and Growth of Plant Cultivation
Plant biomass is the result of accumulation of carbon dioxide in the process of photosynthesis asimilat during growth. The process of photosynthesis is the absorption of solar radiation energy through the reduction of CO2 with H2O on a subsequently backfilled by plant tissues produce biomass storage. Thus, the factors that affect plant biomass is the amount and efficiency of absorption of solar radiation in the process of CO2 fixation. 
Leaves are the main organs of plants to perform photosynthesis process in CO2 fixation. With the development and condition of the maximum possible rate of growth of leaves of plants.In the analysis of plant growth, the main parameters used in assessing the growth rate of plants is the leaf area, leaf developmental state of plant biomass. Therefore the further discussion will try to see the relationship between the analysis of growth and CO2 fixation in photosynthesis. 
Leaves broad and Plant Growth 
Leaves as the main organ of photosynthesis should be able to efficiently absorb light radiation to support growth towards better productivity. Plant leaves usually emerge from the embryo or meristem tissue of the stem or branch, especially in annual crops (perennial). On annual crops (annual), especially those bred in the generative, the first leaves develop from the embryo (seed) da is small throughout the growth cycle, allowing greater absorption of solar radiation sebahagian generate heat energy (sensible energy). 
In the class of C4 plants (class of efficient plants) tend to generate growth in the early development of the leaf is more dominant. This allows more efficient utilization of solar radiation. In agronomic practices such conditions can be manipulated through the narrow spacing settings to improve the soil so that the closure of anggot absorption of solar radiation is higher. 
Agriculture is basically associated with increased plant efficiency in the use of solar radiation on photosynthesis. In the cultivation of seasonal crops of cereals group, leaf development was initially increased at a rate of exponential growth, but the relatively small size of the initial leaf causes the absorption of solar radiation is relatively low. Further development of leaf area increase was followed by increased absorption of solar light energy (Fig. 90). Development of leaf area halted after the plants start flowering ((Gardner, Pearce, and Mitchell, 1985).
At the beginning of individual plant growth, exponential growth rate and expressed as relative growth rate (LTR). LTR in early plant growth is high, but then will continue to decrease regularly with the LTR can not be used as a crop in the field, but can be applied to the assessment of plant growth rate in the first few weeks of plant growth. 
Subsequent plant growth will result in the leaves of the plants will shade each other so ineffective sebahagian leaf photosynthesis. In 1947, Watson introduced the concept of leaf area as a measure of productive crops on cultivated plants called Lear Area Index (LAI) or leaf area index (LAI). ILD crops increased from zero at the beginning of growth and reached its peak in mid-age of the plant, then declined sharply at the phase of aging. Before the decline in middle age plants ILD, ILD is relatively constant because of the balance between the rate of leaf senescence and the rate of formation of new leaves. ILD is generally highest in crops planted at a distance of about 5.0 are common. The highest LAI value of the researchers on corn between 3.9 to 5.0, the peanuts from 4 to 4.5 and 7.0 on cassava (Goldsworthy and Fisher, 1984). 
Canopy of plants that have a high value of ILD in young leaves. At the canopy top has a high rate of CO2 and translocate sebahagian asimilat to actively growing plant parts. The increase in dry weight of leaf area per time unity is called unit leaf rate or net assimilation rate (LAN). The rate of leaf or LAN unit is a measure of the average net CO2 exchange per unit leaf area in the plant canopy, the LAN can be viewed as a measure of the efficiency of photosynthesis per leaf area through increased growth. phases of plant growth is a phase difference of potential photosynthesis of a plant that is actually given by the ILD, so that the LAN is expected to influence the environment during different periods of plant life.