Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011

External factors (environment) of landscape

Environment is a complex ecosystem that is outside the individual that influence growth and development of organisms. The scope of landscape architecture baanyak contain more environmental aspects.
Park as a whole yangmenyeluruh order unity among all environmental elements that influence each other. The environment is meant the natural environment, artificial ingkungan and social environment.
a. Natural environment
Natural environment includes abiotic environment and biotic environment. Of environmental biotic unsu-elements include vegetation, wildlife and humans. And the abiotic environment is meant the climate, soil geologisdan include topography and slope of the land, hidrografis and hydrological and drainage.
- Vegetation and wildlife
Vegetation and wildlife (flora and fauna) is an important element in a landscape, especially in the natural landscape. Kesua elements of this biota is a dynamic landscape elements, as it grows and grows with time. Betuk growth and color changes in plants, as well as shapes and patterns of migration in animals is an excellent complement to the richness, diversity, beauty and the beauty of a landscape.
In a natural landscape, biota-depth research and will either be able to maintain the existence and meningkatkn kelimpahana species have been found in an ecosystem. In an artificial landscape or the built landscape, selection of plants that are planted should be well planned remedy under consideration as the desired wildlife habitat (such as a place to rest or food) so the idea of ​​a landscape maintenance can occur naturally.
Plants can also be part of a landscape that berfungisi to manipulate the quality of the environment (bioengineering) womanly better peencemaran eg lower levels of air, reducing wind speed 9wind breaker), increase the availability of ground water, improving soil physical and chemical properties and others.
- Climate
Climate is the result of a number of factors which influence each other can not remain, including rainfall, air temperature, humidity, solar radiation, moisture, and wind. In planning, better products perecanaan adjust to the climate rather than "against" it. Npenyesuaian by utilizing the understanding of adverse aspects. Ideal climate is a goal in planning for human comfort. Premises does not oppose the continuity and preservation of natural and landscape can be maintained.
Temperature and humidity are the main climatic factors that affect human comfort. Temperature and humidity are too high or too low will cause inconvenience and disruption of some human aktiviitas. Convenience is also achieved when the wind can terasakn keehadirannya the wind that is not trapped or that are not too tight. Wind is also a medium for the spread of pollutants so that the wind berhubungandengan knowledge is needed in environmental improvements.
Rainfall along with temperatures greatly affect the existence of the spread da biota and fragility of natural resources. Planning a landscape must know the climatic conditions.
- Geological and soil
Knowledge, infirmasi and data on geological and soil conditions is important to note because both support the continuity of activities, life and order which is planned on a site. Examples of data related to geological conditions, among others ketesediaan water, vulnerability to earthquakes and soil fertility, suitability of land to other forms of activity. Preserve, reclaim, improve and follow the initial condition of an analysis of alternative actions related to the nature and character of the various geological and land.
For the purposes of land planning, land classified into two:
 As a medium to grow crops (agriculture classification)
 As a place for the construction of building structures (angineering classification)
With consideration of different weights and different, both are used among others for determining the location of greening, and building sanitation facilities and recreation areas, habitat and other aquatic life. Dt geological and soil combined with other data to ensure a better understanding of the system because there are known soil, climate and biota are interlinked, as well as other artificial landscape systems.
- Topography and slope
Formed the basis of land surface topography of a site or structure, other than a determinant of areal extents for an interest or an activity to be planned or developed. Is also a visual and aesthetic resources that greatly affect the location, the various land use, as well as a variety of functions, interpretation, and others.
The diversity of land formations have advantages and disadvantages berbagaia physical and arsitekrutal perncanaan hanging from the goal and the development footprint. Generally, land that has a topography and a relatively flat slope of the land would give advantage because it can be used for a variety of recreational activities and human life and also for the laying of various supporting facilities. Steep land bilatidak unhandled denganbaik avalanche hazard will cause harm is very good, but naturally has an advantage in helping the natural drainage flow systems and dangat visually aesthetic.
- Hiodrrografis and hodrologis
Availability (in quantity, quality, and distribution) and the preservation of water and water bodies (water bodies) not only meruapakan slaah an important factor for the existence of human life and other living creatures but also one of the factors enhancing the beauty and diversity in a landscape .
Decline in water availability, damage or lack of a functioning water bodies are often caused by human carelessness and ignorance of lingkunganya. Further impact from the declining availability of water is the reduction of human comfort, and decreased physical and psychological quality aamai beauty of the landscape. Various shapes and natural character, as well as the impact of the use of water bodies is important to note that the use, reclamation, modification, preservation and enhancement of quality beauty can ingkungan ddiwujudkan.
- Drainage
Drainage system designed to collect and channel rain water and subsurface water. This system provides security and comfort to the occupants of the house and protection against environmental infrastructure construction and other built areas of flood, erosion and other damage caused by water

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