Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

Green Open Space of Makassar

Green Open Space (RTH) is part of the urban open spaces (open spaces) an urban area that is filled with plants, plants, and vegetation (endemic, introduction) to support the direct benefits and / or indirectly generated by the open green space in cities namely the safety, comfort, prosperity, and beauty of the urban areas. 
Development is often mirrored by the physical development of the city that Iebih determined by the existing infrastructure. Symptoms of development especially in urban areas during the Ialu have a tendency to minimize the green open spaces. . 
Existing development in Makassar 
In recent years, the buildings like mushrooms fill the sides of the road in Makassar. In fact, almost on every side of the city's main streets, the area houses have sprung up shop (commercial). No one, indeed, if many people who said that Makassar is now turned into a "city of a million commercial". Almost no more empty space that could be a regional Green Open Space (RTH). For example, in the vicinity and surrounding Pettarani Road which currently no longer have a garden. Some places that used to be fasum, are now turned into a commercial. The lack of green space in Makassar, then blamed major cause of air temperature continues so unfriendly. 
Physical development in the city of Makassar rapidly. Not just in the heart of the city, but has spread to the suburbs. The problem, with many build it it will automatically remove the green open space (RTH) as a water catchment area. Very memiriskan when the Japanese JICA study team on spatial Metropolitan Makassar, revealed that only three percent green space area. In fact, according to the rules should every district / municipality must have a minimum of 30 percent green space. It is already clearly stated in Law No. 26 of 2007 on spatial planning rather on Article 17. In this Act stated in the plan of urban spatial structure, defined area of ​​green open space should be 30 percent of the city. 
Green Open Space (RTH) in Makassar 
While the vast city of Makassar 175.77 square kilometers and is divided into 14 districts, only three percent green space. Ironically, some of the area that used to be a green space and a public facilities and social amenities has now become a residential area. Even if there's only remaining green space on the campus of the University of Hasanuddin (Unhas), Office of the Governor of South Sulawesi, Golf Karebosi, and city parks. Now, it takes flair from Makassar City Government to properly manage the potential to be a green space area such as Lake District Balangtonjong Antang Manggala, Hertasning Field, and Field Tamalanrea Permai Earth. Conditions that make Makassar still require 5000 hectares of green space to ensure the safety and quality of life better. 
The lack of green space is clearly a separate issue facing the Makassar City Government. Especially with the threat of global warming or the term is called global warming, which could be "drown" the city is due to very less water catchment areas. Not just governments, community care and the business community, especially the developers or housing developers are also urgently needed. At least in preparing a little green space for the safety of this city. 
Makassar environmental conditions in recent years 
Each year the city of Makassar has always been a subscription flooding. Both jaminanmakan clean air can not be guaranteed to be 100% again because so many polluting vehicles and some industries are located in the city of Makassar as PT. Barawaja and Sermani. If the city government wanted to see the city of Makassar is more equitable to the environment and society, simply by my friends at Walhi, the first the government must run with a firm mandate legislation, the first law mandating Spatial 30% of Green Open Space (RTH ) of the total area of ​​Makassar. The second related problem EIA really enforced and not just be purely formal terms, at least no decisive action when employers do pelannggaran industry. 
If the government does not make environmental improvements such as increasing green space are also water catchment areas, plus the influence of global climate began not balanced, there will be ecological disasters such as floods and reduced availability of clean water to citizens of the city become a real threatDevelopment policy of Makassar who want to grow into a modern world city 
Conversion of water catchment area of ​​a lot going for building housing and shophouses. Both the fulfillment of RTH are still very far from the mandate of the Act which should be 30% of the total area of ​​the city. Finally, the government never announced to the public knowledgeable about the area that includes green space anywhere in the city of Makassar, so when there is over the function in there it will bring resistance from the public. 
Regarding the Green Open Space, Area RTH required in Makassar 
Makassar city needs at least five thousand acres of green open space of the total area of ​​175 km2 city or 30% of the total area of ​​the city, in accordance with the mandate of Law no. 26 of 2007 on Spatial City. If seen the conditions now are not enough green spaces to 10%, much less when referring to the rule of law. This is exacerbated by the transfer functions of some green space such as Field Karebosi which has been renovated and built shopping centers in it, thereby reducing the power of absorbing water into the soil significantly. Karebosi also played a vital role to neutralize the intrusion of sea water given its position that only a few hundred yards from the beach town of Makassar. 
Every time the rainy season, some point in the city of Makassar frequent floods,This is because the catchments are increasingly reduced and drainage systems are not well organized, such as mampetnya and lack of sewer, and garbage piled in particular areas of coastal districts in the city. In this case the traffic is headed to the sea water became blocked by trash, this does not only lead to flooding, but also cause adverse effects such as various types of diseases and air pollution in the form of a bad odor.Peat swamp that serves as a water catchment area in this city have been converted to residential lots and various other designation, 
There is no clear identification and determination of the city government of RTH in this watershed so that enforcement of the rule of law becomes very weak. Keep in city government would also issue rules or regulations are clear, so that if the conversion occurs unilaterally then there are legal rules that could ensnare the culprit. 
In addition to absorbing water, peat bogs also serves to absorb heat when dry season comes to keeping the air temperature in order to stay comfortable, but it also caused by a reduction in green space such as city parks, city forests, greenbelt complex even if the grave can be categorized as green open space is well laid out

annual crops- an intoduction of Report laboratory

Food is a primary need for humans. With the ever increasing number of people it is certain that the need for food will increase, in other words an increase in consumption. However, there peningakatan in terms of consumption in Indonesia sometimes can not be offset by an increase in production. Indonesia has sufficient resources to ensure food security for its residents. Indicators of food security also described a fairly good condition. However, Indonesia is still a lot of people who have not received sufficient food needs. The ability of agriculture to meet food needs of our own, have been and are declining relative to the very large. At this time Indonesia was in a state of "Prone to Food" is not the absence of food, but as food for the people of Indonesia has been dependent on foreign supply, and greater dependence. Huge food market we have targeted by foreign food producers who do not want Indonesia to have independence in the field of food. Indonesia in general do not have the problem of food availability. Indonesia produces about 31 million tons of rice each year and consume a little above the level of production; where imports are generally less than 7% of consumption. Further private distribution network that runs efficiently helped strengthen food security across Indonesia. 
Food availability at the regional level does not guarantee the area will not occur the problem of malnutrition. South Sulawesi (Sul-Sel) is widely recognized as a national barns proved to have a incidence of malnutrition is high. Nutrition Consumption Survey showed that from 1995 to 1998 an increase in the percentage of families in South Sulawesi deficits in energy consumption from 39% to 57%. In fact, at the same time the production of rice, the main source of calories in this area, having a surplus of 1.4 million to 1.5 million. The average consumption of rice from South Sulawesi reached 880 thousand tons per year, while consumption per capita of the population each year as many as 110 pounds. Compared with neighboring residents, there are significant differences. 
Indonesia's dependence on rice is high, making the national food security is very fragile. From the macro aspect of development policy, these conditions contain the risk (vulnerable), which is also related to economic stability, social, and political. One of the development of food policy in achieving food security is through diversification of food, which is intended to provide an alternative food, thereby reducing the dependence on rice. Diversification of food, is also expected to improve the quality of people's food consumption, food consumption because the more diverse the supply of nutrients is more complete than if it is dominated by one type of material only. Through the development of diversity of agricultural cultivation (horizontal diversification) will produce a variety of food staples such as cassava, sweet potatoes, corn, arrowroot, breadfruit, sago, uwi, ganyong and so on. While the development of various processed food products will be produced instant products such as flour, cakes, breakfast cereals, biscuits, cakes, etc. (vertical diversification).
 Consumption of sorghum on the people of Indonesia mostly for animal feed, sorghum when it actually has a lot of species are Sorghum bicolor and Sorghum vulgare which is a type of sorghum is a very decent human being eaten. Sorghum is known as "brother" wheat or corn, grain crops (Cereal) are rich in calories, so be considered as one kind of food staple rice substitution, in addition to maize, cassava, or sago. The results of sorghum research in Indonesia, he explained again, have high productivity with an average of 7-9 tonnes per ha, higher than in rice, wheat and corn. Even the productivity of sorghum can reach 11 tonnes per ha if soil moisture is not a barrier. Sorghum in addition to forms and tastes like rice, are also highly nutritious. If seen from the table IZI MOH Directorate higher nutritional content than other staple foods like rice, flour (wheat-red), maize and cassava. 
In Indonesia there are currently some sorghum varieties developed. Total there are 9 varieties of sorghum seed varieties used as Indonesia, namely: UPCA, Kris, Mandau, Higari, the dagger, Gadam, bayonet, and Kawali Numbu. Some areas have become centers of sorghum production in Indonesia. 
Along with the diversification of food, demand for wheat flour up to now show a significant development. That, characterized by the development of food processing industry raw materials like wheat flour or wet noodles, biscuits, bakery, including small and medium-scale industries, and other categories of households. Currently, Indonesia has succeeded in producing the wheat, although the volume is still very small compared with the wheat flour industry needs, according to data from the Association of Flour Producers (APTINDO), in 2000 reached 250,191 tons. Although the consumption of wheat flour per capita per year (2000) community 
Indonesia only reached 15 kg or still smaller than Singapore and Malaysia 71 kg 40 kg, on the future level of consumption is believed to be able to rise even higher. Therefore, the opportunity is wide open wheat crop cultivation, not only in Java, but also in other areas. Moreover, the results of processing wheat bran into flour can be used to feed livestock, so it will add to earnings. 
The major wheat producing countries in the world is the United States, Canada, Australia, the European Union and India. Lamongan District is the largest producer of wheat which is about 832 tons with a total area of ​​240 hectares and the development of productivity reached around 34.66 quintal per hectare. Followed by as much as 462 tons Sampang district with area development of 100 hectares and 48.13 quintal per hectare productivity. Furthermore Sumenep in third place with 346 tonnes from 150 hectares of land area with a productivity of about 24 quintal per hectare. According to data from the Association of Flour Producers (APTINDO), in 2000 reached 250,191 tons. Not long ago, in Pasuruan, East Java, successfully harvested wheat on 56 acres of land with a productivity level of 2.5 tons / ha to 3.5 tonnes / ha. 
Consumption of sesame rich countries generally, otherwise manufacturers generally poor state. For Indonesia the ownership of land by small farmers cultivating sesame will be competitive, especially when considering wijenmerupakan plants that can adapt to dry conditions. Since 1988, Indonesia imported sesame with increasing volume in 2001 reached 4383.102 tons of sesame seed equivalent. In early 2003, Korea requested from Indonesia 50,000 tonnes per year, teapi not be realized. World demand is quite high, average imports increased 5% perproduksi. Five countries of the world's largest consuming sesame are Japan, EU, Korea, the United States, and Egypt are generally rich countries. Instead, sesame producers generally classified as poor countries with small land holdings. Korea is the country's third-largest of the world sesame consuming. Average consumption in Japan by 1kg/kapita/tahun sesame, being new 60gr/kapita/tahun Indonesia. 
Barley is a minor economic plants, including nutrient content but has a value that is similar to other food crops such as rice, corn, wheat, and grain crops because crop barley itself is classified into the types of grain crops. Communities are not familiar with barley as a source of food so as long barley crop is only used as bird feed.Communities in several countries are used to make cereal for their breakfast menu. Likewise, the people of Indonesia. In addition to bread and rice, cereals have become an alternative menu, especially for the children, to be consumed as an energy source in initiating daily activity. In general, wheat-based cereals and processed in the form of flakes. However, there is also a cereal that is processed into the form of milk and cereal with milk is called. With the goal of diversification of food, including cereal food that gets a touch of innovation, especially in terms of raw material usage. If the usual cereal grain-based, is now being developed cereal prepared from sorghum. Development of sorghum cereals using basic materials was carried out by Sutrisno Koswara, a lecturer in the Department of Food Science and Technology, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). The total area of ​​applying the proper cultivation of cereal crops and sustained increase of 10% per year and productivity levels in the area of ​​applying the proper cultivation of cereal crops and sustained increased 5% per year

Senin, 26 Desember 2011




BackgroundIncreasingly difficult to obtain artificial fertilizers such as urea encouraged to attempt how to meet the needs of fertilizer to agricultural businesses, especially food crops did not experience a sustained failure. How that is done must be able to guarantee the release of addiction, dependence both raw materials and technology used. The raw material used should be available in abundance all the time, easily obtainable, and cheap price. Similarly, the technology used should be simple, easily performed by anyone who wants to produce, and not expensive. The only alternative that can be done to overcome these problems is to replace artificial fertilizer with a natural fertilizer that can be done in a sustainable process. This natural fertilizer, better known as organic fertilizer.Organic fertilizer is basically a process of decomposition of organic matter decomposition by microorganisms. Making organic compost fertilizer is conventionally done and already had long known well by the farmers. However, it still requires a longer time, which is about 3 months. To speed up the composting process, have now produced a variety of products that can speed up the composting starter as EM4, BM, and so forth that have been much circulated and readily available at farm stores. Making starter can basically be made with ingredients of crop residues (wastes) which can be used as organic compost starter or other organic fertilizers.
Experiment ObjectivesGoal of the experiment is to investigate the process of making a starter, especially for the manufacture of organic fertilizer or compost bokasih and often known as the "mole". This experiment is expected to add specific skills to students of agriculture as working capital in time after a degree.

Place and TimeExperiments conducted at the Laboratory of Plant Physiology Department of Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture, University of Hasanuddin. The experiment was conducted at week practicum MK I series of Plant Nutrition.Materials and EquipmentThe material used is household waste, the fruits are already over-mature, aqua water, molasses (sugar drops) or granulated sugar or brown sugar or palm sugar water. The tool used was a kitchen knife, weights room, blender, mixer, measuring cups, filter cloth / gauze asbestos, lidded bucket size of 10 liters, stove, rubber foam, aqua bottle, funnel, white transparent plastic hose diameter 2.5 cm, liquid wax / white candles, cardboard to cover, bottle-shaped container packaging, and labeling.Implementation1. Each group prepares praktikan wet household waste and one type of fruit that is over-mature (broken or waste pieces).2. Weigh wet household waste and over-mature fruits (damaged), each 3 pounds, cut into small pieces.3. Blender household waste and broken pieces separately and add water aqua each of about 250 cc.4. The filtrate obtained was filtered with filter cloth clean each sample while squeezed and placed each in a separate bucket container.5. Heat the filtrate obtained separately. When using sugar or palm sugar, add the sugar into each of the filtrate, stirring rate each one as much as 5% of the amount of filtrate used. Heating is carried out over low heat, until it forms a small foam but not allowed to boil for 30 minutes.6. Foam is formed when heating discarded by using foam rubber, still heated.7. After heating, filtered again with a clean filter cloth is then added molasses or water nirah if it does not use sugar or palm sugar.8. The filtrate was filtered put into a bottle of aqua, aqua bottle cap with a cover that has been perforated with a diameter of 0.5 cm (according to the size of the white plastic tube).9. Take another aqua bottle, filled with water up to ¾ parts, then covered with aqua bottle cap that has been perforated with a diameter of 0.5 cm.10. Connect the bottle containing the filtrate with aqua aqua bottles containing plain water melului holes on the cover of the bottle until the end of the hose on the aqua bottles containing plain water immersed in ordinary water. Trim the hose connector on the cover of the bottle by using a liquid wax does not come out until the air at the edge of the hose in a bottle cover11. Store in a safe place neatly for 1-2 weeks until the odor is formed like a tape, and do observations every two days (see table observations).12. When the filtrate was smelling tape, then the filtrate is ripe and is often called a "mole" and is ready to use. Filtrate which have become incorporated in a closed container and given a label corresponding neat praktikan.13. The remaining filter (waste) is collected in a container (bucket), neatly covered with cardboard and then closed again with the bucket lid and fermented for 1-2 weeks until it forms a cream-colored microbial cultures.
Parameter ObservationsIn this experiment conducted several observational parameters, namely:1. The color of each filtrate filtrate filtrate household waste and fruit every 2 days until the end of the experiment.2. When the formation of air bubbles in the bottle of plain water and the velocity of air bubble formation (seconds).3. The smell that comes out of each filtrate were observed every 2 days
Introduction Task1. Explain what is meant by organic fertilizers.2. Why is household waste and fruit that is over-mature can be used as materials for organic fertilizer starter? Explain.

3. Besides the materials mentioned above, what other materials can be used to manufacture organic fertilizer starter?4. Describe the function of EM4 in the composting process.

List of questions to be answered and included in the Results and Discussion:1. How color and odor filtrate on each sample observation. With the color and smell, what can you conclude? (Answers must be supported by at least three literature).2. Which observations in the sample indicates the speed of formation of air bubbles on each sample observation? Explain why the results obtained thus (Answers must be supported by at least three literature).3. How does the color on the surface of the culture filtrate of microbes? When the formation of microbial culture? (Answers must be supported by at least three literature).4. Draw conclusions and suggestions based on the results of the experiment (as well as include a list of libraries that you use)

Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011

cultivation of annual crops

Indonesia is a country rich in biological resources, whether plant, animal or mikroba.sehingga not wrong to say that Indonesia has sufficient resources to ensure food security for its residents. Indicators of food security also described a fairly good condition. 
South Sulawesi as one of the centers of food production in the country are expected to continue to support the food security efforts. in terms of geographical, South Sulawesi is a strategic area in the effort. However, when viewed by naked eye to see the weather conditions are uncertain right now, seems to be a bottleneck in productivity. And will result in some deficiencies in particular food availability on food availability of rice. 
By looking at these food conditions, food sources of growth will be optimal through food diversification program that includes production, consumption, marketing, and distribution. In fact, diversification is an alternative solution which may be enhanced greatly supported by the geographical conditions, particularly the diversification of non-rice foods such as barley, sorghum, wheat, or sesame. 
Non-rice food which is a commodity as an alternative crop diversification in the call for support has a support level of productivity. Suppose the commodity sesame production levels average 350 kg ha-1 dry bean Kassam (1988) in Soenardi. Barley crops around 6-7 million tons per year. And for national wheat production was able to meet 10% of the domestic wheat demand (privilege Ariani) 
The need for these commodities is very high. Even from any other dairy products are varied and interesting social tastes will support the diversification tersebu. As an example of the level of grain consumed by the needs of people living in urban. Similarly, the products processed sorghum, sesame and barley as wheat flour. Increased consumption of refined products will increase imports of these commodities in the country. 
Potential land suitable for the commodity in Indonesia is quite widespread, especially in Eastern Indonesia (KTI), which most of the territory of upland dry climates. Especially for wheat commodity rarely found in Indonesia because of the physical environmental conditions in Indonesia are not suitable for wheat crop which is a subtropical plant. However, the Indonesian people tend to prefer processed grain products such as instant noodles. 
Based on the description above is the background in this lab report writing and the background in conducting practical cultivation of seasonal crops. 
Objectives and Purpose 
The purpose of the practicum karakterisaasi crop sesame, sorghum, wheat and barley to find out how the characteristics of some of these komditi.Usefulness of practicum karakterisaasi crop sesame, sorghum, wheat and barley is to provide information about the characteristics of the plant so it can be developed in the fulfillment of domestic needs


The scope of landscape architecture, among others, actively participate in various projects from large scale to small scale. As an example of a large scale is the footprint area of ​​industrial design, regional design studies, pernacangan recreation area. And small-scale environments such as parks, gardens and parks home office.
The scope of thought and activity responsibilities are landscape architecture study covers issues such as regional planning, conservation, preservation and conservation of the dynamic; pemcemaran problems, impaired sight, noise and litter; problems of erosion, ecology, natural resource problems; problems pegembangan historic places; issue of open space; masalagh growing urban development; traffic problems and linear development; problems of land reclamation, coastal issues and coastal livelihoods; problem of forest and wildlife is reduced and the problem of population.
landscape architects are three types of activity, namely:
1. Assessment and planning of forest area
Having a base of natural science and ecology to systematically evaluate a wide array of land suitability or land capability untul every possible futures.
Involves a group of experts, the results are land use plans, policies crate path setting, appointment of industrial sites, water conservation values.
2. The design footprint
The process of analysis, synthesis and footprint requirements for site usability. Landscape elements and facilities placed at the site in accordance with its function.
3. The design details of the landscape
Selection and correct use of business components / elements of the landscape.

A good architect should have:
a. Basic knowledge and practical know how to use plants as well as appropriate
b. Basic knowledge of geology, ecology, climatology, economics of cultural sociology.
c. General knowledge of architecture, civil engineering, urban planning and local governance
d. Biological and ecological awareness
e. Trained both in drawing plans
f. Able to give guidance planning of infrastructure and facilities
g. High scientific reasoning power, character and social spirit.

Profession of landscape architecture as a natural control for the future of human life. Organizations world-class landscape architecture profession is IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects). A professional organization that collects the landscape of professional organizations from around the world based in Versailles, France. Initially, the Institute of Landscape Architechts founded by Sir Geoffrey Alan Jellicoe in Cambridge.
To Asociation Asia-named AFELA (Asian Forum of Educators in Landscape Architechture. The goal was established as a forum for the exchange of things that erhubungan with academic, researchers and students of landscape architecture in Asia. Activities include an international symposium every year, the exchange program faculty / researchers and students and publications.
In Indonesia called IALI (Indonesia Institute of Landscape Architecture) as a forum to develop and strengthen the brotherhood of science fellow members. Formed in 1978, spearheaded by Ir. Rachman and Dr. Zain. Sumarno Sostroaatmodjo. The goal is to foster and develop the establishment of science and the art and landscape architecture prpfesi Indonesia, formed a means to strengthen cooperation between the public landscape architecture in Indonesia, entered into a collaboration with institutions and agencies and non governmental pemeerintah, inside and outside the country for the benefit of the development of landscape architecture profession. IALI has become anggotan IFLA

External factors (environment) of landscape

Environment is a complex ecosystem that is outside the individual that influence growth and development of organisms. The scope of landscape architecture baanyak contain more environmental aspects.
Park as a whole yangmenyeluruh order unity among all environmental elements that influence each other. The environment is meant the natural environment, artificial ingkungan and social environment.
a. Natural environment
Natural environment includes abiotic environment and biotic environment. Of environmental biotic unsu-elements include vegetation, wildlife and humans. And the abiotic environment is meant the climate, soil geologisdan include topography and slope of the land, hidrografis and hydrological and drainage.
- Vegetation and wildlife
Vegetation and wildlife (flora and fauna) is an important element in a landscape, especially in the natural landscape. Kesua elements of this biota is a dynamic landscape elements, as it grows and grows with time. Betuk growth and color changes in plants, as well as shapes and patterns of migration in animals is an excellent complement to the richness, diversity, beauty and the beauty of a landscape.
In a natural landscape, biota-depth research and will either be able to maintain the existence and meningkatkn kelimpahana species have been found in an ecosystem. In an artificial landscape or the built landscape, selection of plants that are planted should be well planned remedy under consideration as the desired wildlife habitat (such as a place to rest or food) so the idea of ​​a landscape maintenance can occur naturally.
Plants can also be part of a landscape that berfungisi to manipulate the quality of the environment (bioengineering) womanly better peencemaran eg lower levels of air, reducing wind speed 9wind breaker), increase the availability of ground water, improving soil physical and chemical properties and others.
- Climate
Climate is the result of a number of factors which influence each other can not remain, including rainfall, air temperature, humidity, solar radiation, moisture, and wind. In planning, better products perecanaan adjust to the climate rather than "against" it. Npenyesuaian by utilizing the understanding of adverse aspects. Ideal climate is a goal in planning for human comfort. Premises does not oppose the continuity and preservation of natural and landscape can be maintained.
Temperature and humidity are the main climatic factors that affect human comfort. Temperature and humidity are too high or too low will cause inconvenience and disruption of some human aktiviitas. Convenience is also achieved when the wind can terasakn keehadirannya the wind that is not trapped or that are not too tight. Wind is also a medium for the spread of pollutants so that the wind berhubungandengan knowledge is needed in environmental improvements.
Rainfall along with temperatures greatly affect the existence of the spread da biota and fragility of natural resources. Planning a landscape must know the climatic conditions.
- Geological and soil
Knowledge, infirmasi and data on geological and soil conditions is important to note because both support the continuity of activities, life and order which is planned on a site. Examples of data related to geological conditions, among others ketesediaan water, vulnerability to earthquakes and soil fertility, suitability of land to other forms of activity. Preserve, reclaim, improve and follow the initial condition of an analysis of alternative actions related to the nature and character of the various geological and land.
For the purposes of land planning, land classified into two:
 As a medium to grow crops (agriculture classification)
 As a place for the construction of building structures (angineering classification)
With consideration of different weights and different, both are used among others for determining the location of greening, and building sanitation facilities and recreation areas, habitat and other aquatic life. Dt geological and soil combined with other data to ensure a better understanding of the system because there are known soil, climate and biota are interlinked, as well as other artificial landscape systems.
- Topography and slope
Formed the basis of land surface topography of a site or structure, other than a determinant of areal extents for an interest or an activity to be planned or developed. Is also a visual and aesthetic resources that greatly affect the location, the various land use, as well as a variety of functions, interpretation, and others.
The diversity of land formations have advantages and disadvantages berbagaia physical and arsitekrutal perncanaan hanging from the goal and the development footprint. Generally, land that has a topography and a relatively flat slope of the land would give advantage because it can be used for a variety of recreational activities and human life and also for the laying of various supporting facilities. Steep land bilatidak unhandled denganbaik avalanche hazard will cause harm is very good, but naturally has an advantage in helping the natural drainage flow systems and dangat visually aesthetic.
- Hiodrrografis and hodrologis
Availability (in quantity, quality, and distribution) and the preservation of water and water bodies (water bodies) not only meruapakan slaah an important factor for the existence of human life and other living creatures but also one of the factors enhancing the beauty and diversity in a landscape .
Decline in water availability, damage or lack of a functioning water bodies are often caused by human carelessness and ignorance of lingkunganya. Further impact from the declining availability of water is the reduction of human comfort, and decreased physical and psychological quality aamai beauty of the landscape. Various shapes and natural character, as well as the impact of the use of water bodies is important to note that the use, reclamation, modification, preservation and enhancement of quality beauty can ingkungan ddiwujudkan.
- Drainage
Drainage system designed to collect and channel rain water and subsurface water. This system provides security and comfort to the occupants of the house and protection against environmental infrastructure construction and other built areas of flood, erosion and other damage caused by water


Hedgerows as its name is a plant that functions as a fence (barriers) of this plant is known also as the plant boundary (border) crop edge (Edgins). Plants do not have any height fence, high fence tanman can be adjusted to the needs. Various types of plants can be an option. If you want a high fence and completely closed, high shrubs, low shrubs. And high shrubs, mass planting can be aligned, however, if the plant just a divider, cover crops and short shrubs with an interesting arrangement of the composition can be appliedExamples are the hedge-tehan, heliconia and aerfa or spinach-bayaman.Fence with attractive plants, with a little creativity, any delimiter can appear attractive garden with a variety of attractive colors that the namesFence natural fit to apply the pad Ataman tropical style. A maximum height of plants can be a benchmark on the fenceFences can be made from planting one crop with a parallel pattern to form topiary. The establishment of the plant canopy will strengthen fences function is physically and psychologically
some examples are;Wax flowers are ornamental plants that can also be used as a medicinal plant. The flowers are yellow and shaped bunches at the end of the shaft. These flowers will stand out among the green leaves. This chronic shrub can grow up to 1 m and likes loose soil and fertile in the sun. Grow best at an altitude of 10-1500 meters above sea level. The trunk round, jointed, rough, brown and green. Leaves single, cross face, not stemmed. Leaf blade oblong-shaped, tapered tip and base. Green leaves with rough leaf surface, leaves 5-15 cm long and pinnate pertulangan.This wax flowers bloom in the summer with compound interest that came out at the end of the stem or branch. Fascicle sheath flower form with flower-shaped oval and tapered tip. Flowers arranged like a hump, with varying sizes and colored yellow. Ravel petals, the shape of needles, 1 to 1.5 cm long, and yellow. 2 stamens with anthers arrow-shaped and green. Beak-shaped petals, the tip bercangap 2, asymmetrical, 3-8 cm long, smooth, and white. The fruit boxes, oval, rough, with a length of 3-8 mm, and green. Seeds round, the number of lots, loud, and black.Root fibers, greenish brown.Treatment:- The frequency of fertilization 1 time / month- Frequency of repotting 1 time / yearFunction:- Limiting crop- Plant fence- Penemarak plants
Brunfelsia calycinaThe flowers are trumpet-shaped, soft scent of flowers. Plants from brazil has 3 colors of flowers in one tree that is blue, purple at the time of bloom, then blue and bluish-white when will wither. Many costal jasmine planted in courtyards houses, offices or pages on planting in the gardens of ornamental plants kotasebagai. When planted in upland areas, better growth and more flowers than if planted in lowland areasJasmine costal terasuk type shrubs that have many branches, the height can reach 1.5-2m. Sitting leaves scattered, short bertangakai once. Strands of elongated oval-shaped leaves, the leaf tip and tapered base, 4-7 cm long, 3-5 cm wide.Propagation of plants can be done by stem cuttings or by grafting. Propagation by cuttings or grafts, which stems in selected does not need to be too young or too old. Propagation of plants by grafting, after the roots out on your incision and in the estimate has been able to live for the plant in place of Ian, these grafts can be cut and planted in a place that has been providedJasmine ribs can live well in places that are open and subject to direct sunlight, both in lowland and upland. In place is a bit sheltered and still be able to grow and bloom, but not as good in the open. When planted in mountainous areas, growth and flower better than if planted in lowland areas.
Treatment:- Watering and fertilizing should be done regularly according to crop needs. on the growth phase of these plants need fertilizer with high nitrogen content, whereas at the moment it was time to flowering plants need fertilizer that has a high phosphorus content. In addition to using artificial fertilizers, better mengguanakan manure or compost. Fertilization is done 1 time per 3 months- Jasmine rib does not require special treatment, but that growth was good and healthy, growing media or land to grow harys fertile, friable and drainage arrangements should be good.- Frequency trimming 1 time / 3 months- With care, watering, fertilizing regularly according to the needs of plants in setipa phase of growth, the plants will grow healthy, not susceptible to disease, and bloom continuouslyLandscape functions:- Taaman steering or fence- Point of interest in the park when it is flowering- Neutralizing bad smells in the garden